The simulator of the CNMC allows to calculate how much would spend with another price and power
is not a mystery: the receipt of the light is very expensive. Spain is the fourth country with the tallest bill of Europe, according to Eurostat, and the price of the electricity has not done another thing that levitar in the last decade:regarding 2003 it has gone up in more than 80%, and in what it goes of year the increase has been of almost 5%, in accordance with the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition (CNMC).
As if it was not sufficient, the bill is indescifrable. Neither it has shed light on the subject the new model of time turnover, that works from the past 1 October for the consumers received to the price regulated (Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer or PVCP) that have already installed intelligent counter and telegestionado —some five million homes—. Now, the user pays according to his real consumption, that calculates in function of the cotización of the kilowatt, each hour, in the wholesale market, and translates in 8.760 different prices to the year. It sounds complicated? It is it. Then, how save in something that does not understand ?
To exit alive of the jungle of watts and volts of the bill, the CNMC has set a simuladoronline to check if our receipt is correct and revise our daily consumption. The tool also desglosa how much had spent us when hiring another price and power. Like this, if you have an intelligent counter and telegestionado —if have doubts revise it in your bill—, download of the web page of your company the table of consumptions. Afterwards, it inserts in the simulator the information requested (type of price, power and hire of the counter),that appears in your receipt. This operation can make it although you do not have still intelligent counter. In this case it applies you a profile estimated of consumption, but the simulator can give you equally clues for abaratar your receipt.